Thursday, April 23, 2009

Good night last night!

Well, last night was the 3rd night of being without her Pappy! She done extremely well! I think it was because she was so tired, though. Her cousin Laura Beth came to stay with her and MiMi yesterday and neither one of them would give it up and take a nap. But on the way home she was eating a piece of pizza and she had rubbed the sauce on her leg which got in her boo-boo and started to burn her. So, she started crying over that. I gave her a baby wipe and that didn't help ANY - she still was screaming. I am NOT exaggerating... she was still crying when we pulled in our neighborhood and by the time I pulled in the garage - she was OUT! (It takes MAYBE a minute to get to our house once you pull into the neighborhood) She stayed asleep until about 7:00. She was the devil once she woke up.. :) Brian thought something was wrong with her because she has never just cried for no reason.... I told him just leave her alone and she'll be fine. She is just in a BAD mood and doesn't wanna be bothered! He finally left her in the room, still crying... After about a minute I went in there and she did calm down. After that there was NOTHING we could do to please her! She cried over EVERYTHING! So, come 7:30 - it was bath time!! But after she ate, she was fine! I finally had to get her out of her room from her movie (her movie to date is the Hound Dog - "The Fox and the Hound) around 9:15. She cried because she wanted to watch her movie. But we went in the den and we laid on the couch and turned on Diego and she went to sleep WITH NO PROBLEM!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!! Now, I am not getting optimistic quite yet. I am telling myself she done so good last night because she was SO tired! Lets just see how tonight goes!! :)

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